Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Walls Come Down

I finally get it. A lot of women belieeve that if she says the first hello then she made the first. Well I'm sorry to say that a simple is not a move. The man does not meet a wife the first time he sees you, unless you are married to someone else. No ladies, the first time he sees you he sees a woman. You could be the ugly woman or the pretty woman. Nevertheless, he sees a woman. Saying hello is not making. Also, making a conversation is not always verbal. I just learnt that tonight. If he's staring at you from across he is conversing with you. I had this happen to me, I did not understand until too little too late. Now he's leaving. That could've been a good relationship. Not only with a great guy, but with a cute. I am so picky when it comes to guys and that is a good thing, but I was overexaggerating. I believe the Lord is teaching me a lesson. The walls must come down. The expectations we set are sometimes us hiding behind the door. Personally I use to set the bar so high, that no one could get through. I'd have to custom-make this dream guy in order for him to be real. There are good guys out there, but most of us ladies make it so hard to meet them we become blind to them. They pass by us everyday wanting to get know us, but we are so immune to them and so attracted to the messed up ones, that that is all we get. We don't attract them, but we are blind to the good ones, so we target the bad ones, because that is all that we see. The walls must come down!