Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I just finished watching the Bernie Mac show when all of a sudden...

I just finished watching the Bernie Mac show, you know the episode when he finds out that his uncle is in fact his father, and it got me thinking of parenthood. I grew up in a single parent home and it's all old news, that a daughter needs her father to protect, yes we heard it all... but I don't think that anybody knows the importance of that fact. It's the same way that a son needs his mother or else he becomes all hard and forgets to caress instead of attack. I believe that parenthood is one of the toughest, in fact the toughest out there. Because right now there is a man who has learned to love his children above life itself despite the flaws that being may have, and he may have lost 1, 2 or maybe all of children. Most parents want the best for their kids which is a result for the love that parent will have for their children, and children really do not understand their parents that is true, but when you watch the news and you see for yourself that there are people out there to catch girls you're age, and lower, a new sense of gratitude goes out to each parent that has stood by their children since day one. To all of those who left without an explaination shame on you. The parents of today are doing the best they can to ensure safety and happiness to their children despite their situation. I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show, and it was about child molestation and the sexual predators, most of which had already been caught before, and these guys go after innocent children. I started thinking 1) that could've been me in 1997, caught dead buried alive 3 meters away from my house, as I am holding on to my stuffed animal, the one my daddy won for me at the fair the year before, 2) I could've been Jennifer Teague, torn to pieces and messed up so bad that they have to send my body to Toronto to be recognized, 3) if the world is as messed up as it is now how will it be when my daughter turns 5 years of age, and it's time for her to start school? Should I let her ride the school bus by herself, what if the school bus driver is a sex offender? In the words of Oprah Winfrey, have we had enough yet? One last question before I finish, to all the parents who do not love (meaning you do not see them even though you know where they are and you have made no attempts to find them) their children, when they die will you care then?