Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sappy Love Songs

Sappy love songs are for me a battle. It only works when it happens in real life. Until then, it`s just a wanted and desired fantasy that we all dream of encountering when the time is right. Of course, we all thinkt that the right is now, if you`re a teen. I blame Disney. But seriously, we all want to fall in love and be blinded by our stupidity, which is influenced by our lack of common sense. We become seriously entranced by the enchantment of this emotions. It`s extremely if you can trust it with all your heart and can become a nightmare if you`re not used to it. This emotion has the power to transform everything about us, from the inside out. Which is, some of us get become a slave to that emotion. We can`t be happy being single, because you can`t fall in love with yourself, unless you are Paris Hilton (jokes!). But seriously, though maybe that`s why sappy love songs are such a hit, because it taps the emotion we truly long for. That perfect, enchanting, blinding love that keeps us living once we have a taste of it. It becomes a necessity.