Thursday, June 14, 2007

Father's Day

This day has always been one of the most difficult days of the year, as I reminisce over the man my biological father should've been instead of the man he is today. Many words come to mind as I desperately need to unleash the emotions in need of being heard, but as I have been raised a lady may not let the world know how she truly feels. Of course, that's why most ladies end up dead before their time, of course that's a lie, and I am joking. Personally, I hate this day. I truly do. This is the one day, that I desperately desire to forget even exist. I hate this day, with an unwanted desire to see it abolished and banned from being practiced. But then again, this is all due to my personal experience. Having to deal with a father with so much baggage and dead weight that he can't even see past himself in order to raise his children. Please fathers take care of your children. I have to depend on another man to show me what a father should do. I hate this day, have I already said? I really do. I do hope that I learn to appreciate this day, so that my future husband would not have to put up with this. As he will be a loving and devoted father, who will put his kids first above all else. Why should a man put a job before his children? Or better yet, sex before his children? But that's my situation not yours, oh that just sounds wrong. It's not in the context that it sounds in. Anyways, before I do have to thank all the fathers, especially the single parent fathers, who take care of all their children. Who take responsibility of all their kids, and acknowledges their presence in their lives. Who puts them first and is not afraid to tell them that he loves them everyday. This day is truly for you, enjoy it. To you, happy Father's Day!