Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Funny things with butterflies. They are such beautiful and yet represent so many things. At times we use them to represent the sunshine which comes after the metamorphosises of puberty. But most of the time we use to represent the fluttering we feel and we approach. It's crazy how a thought of you makes me giggle. I can't help myself. I would just smile, at times I'd rather not. But in my subconscious the most simple thing for me to do is to smile and watch you in my mind, my world, in my fantasy. It's crazy ain't it? I always wanted to be a butterfly. Butterflies are so beautiful and they can fly away. But once you appear, butterflies begin to flutter and I can't stop the sweat from the appearing, my heart beats fast and slow all at the same time, and your voice...your voice is an orchestrated gift from God. Your voice sweeps me off of my feet with a simple hello, and as soon as you continue to say other things, it's as if I'd been blessed with chocolate. It is truly a gift. I personally can't resist. My days are filled with bliss as I stand and hear your voice I no longer feel the rain dripping past my shoulders. I all of sudden become blinded from the sound of your laughter, that chases away all dark moments. I no longer am myself, but no I am intoxicated with your smile. That one you flash when you want me in your arms. But I've learnt to keep the butterflies inside. All of these emotions because of the butterflies you've put in me.