Friday, May 26, 2006


I am a mix of things, emotions, attitudes and thoughts. I do not watn to be anaive girl. So I tend to question everything presented to me. Unless I trust the other individual entirely then...I guess I trust them totally. I guess that's why I love to debate everything I am presented with. I don't I am opionated no I am not, I'm just ambition. Ambition from my own truth. THe Heavenly divine type. I made up my mind a long time ago to be my own person. I intend to stick it out even though I am constantly faced with different opinions. I am a very ambitious woman. I got a feeling my husband would love me for that. It can be an attractive side for a woman. It's kind of sexy. Well I think. i don't know though I've let people get the best of me. I didn't even realize it though. I was raised in ... it doesn't even matter. At the end of the day I will be my own person. I love where though. In all state of my life I think I'm getting better at controlling my surroundings. Besides I am the queen of my universe. Right now Jesus is my King.